23 October 2009

Are You Spooky or Kooky?

You Are Spooky

You put the trick in "trick or treat," and you won't stop scaring people until you scare yourself.

You love horror movies, dark spooky nights, and the darker side of Halloween. You save the kids' stuff for the kids.

Speaking of kids, you avoid the little candy grubbing monsters at all costs. Well, unless you are looking to give them a little scare.

You think Halloween has gotten a bit to sugary these days, and you don't mind injecting a little fright into things.

Face it, most of us are pretty bad when it comes to procrastinating. But have you ever found out just how bad a procrastinator you really are? Take this quiz and find out now!

You are most like:

Selective Procrastinator


As a selective procrastinator, you know how to procrastinate but only do it when you feel you can afford to.
Your a faker!
Take this quiz: How Bad A Procrastinator Are You?

So, what type are you?!

08 October 2009

The worlds simplest fruit quiz

Just looking for something to do or post on your blog? Take the worlds dumbest and simplest fruit personality quiz.

Here's the result:

You are most like:



You are an apple! You have a smooth outter appearance and your friends are never suprised when you walk in circles. It doesn't matter if your green or red ... your still sweet!
Take this quiz: The worlds simplest fruit quiz

07 October 2009

Where are you on the highway of life??

Every person is at a different point on a different highway of life. Where are you?

As we cruise down the highway of life we come across many metaphorical destinations, some good some bad. Our individual personalities lead us all down a different path. Let this magical personality test tell you where you are headed! Just punch in your name and soon you will be rolling past the roadsign of your life. Don't forget to drive carefully! What are the towns on your highway? Be sure to drop in and visit them all, because life is a journey that we should all cherish. Peace!

barnkinney Highway
Confusion Lane15
Loony-Bin Lane65
Lake Love107
Contentment Meadows549
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com

Find out the fun places you will pass in your journey!

03 October 2009

What Internet subculture do you belong in?

Take this truly scary quiz now!

Here's the result I got:

Which internet subculture do I belong to? [CLICK]
You are a FURRY!
You are a sick, sick, individual. Stop lusting over animals! Take off that fursuit and quit yiffing. No-one likes furry art! STOP NOW!
More Quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

bwahahahahahah! Ü

01 October 2009

What Does Your Birth Date Mean For Your Love Life?

You'll Have 4 True Loves

For you, love is a feeling that lingers for really long time - even after a relationship is totally over.

In fact, you still make have strong feelings for the first person you fell in love with.

You usually are reluctant to end relationships. And sometimes you're the last to know that things are ending!

Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 1

You are most compatible with people born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of the month.

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